ArtFire Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The image above, “Blossoming Flowers,” is from 2006 contest winner, Sharon B., age 19.

Artisans co
me from all walks of life, some with more inspirational backgrounds than others.

Epilepsy affects more than 2.5 million Americans of all ages. It can cause intensely painful seizures at any time, and often develops during early childhood. The Expressions of Courage National Art Contest is designed to help people with epilepsy get in touch with their artistic talents. For the past six years, the Epilepsy Foundation in partnership with Ortho-McNeil Neurologics has sponsored the art contest, allowing only individuals diagnosed with epilepsy to submit work. The contest helps people with epilepsy to show the world their talent and perspectives.

It always makes me feel inspired when people overcome obstacles and still manage to create works of beauty. By submitting their artwork, people with epilepsy give courage and strength to others diagnosed with the condition. Their artwork can be therapeutic for themselves while offering understanding to friends and family members who don’t have epilepsy.

Submissions are accepted from March 29 through August 29. Work will be reviewed by a panel of epilepsy advocates and art representatives before announcing a winner in late fall. All winning artwork is be displayed on the Expressions of Courage Website. Click here to support Expressions of Courage and view pass contest submissions.


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